Minimizing Plugins
The first and most straightforward approach to further develop WordPress execution is by taking a gander at the plugins. Deactivate and erase any pointless modules. Attempt specifically handicapping modules to gauge worker performance. WordPress Support
Is one of your modules altogether influencing your site’s presentation? Take a gander at the module documentation or request support in the suitable module support forum.

Optimizing content
- Image Files
- Are there any unnecessary images? (e.g. Can you replace some of the images with text?)
- Make sure all image files are optimized. Choose the correct format (JPG/PNG/GIF) and compression for each image.
- Total File Number/Size
- Can you reduce the number of files needed to display the average page on your site?
- When still using HTTP1, it’s recommended to combine multiple files in a single optimized file.
- Minify CSS and JavaScript files.
You can also offload content to optimize your theme.
Upgrade Hardware
Paying more for higher assistance levels at your facilitating supplier can be extremely compelling. Expanding memory (Slam) or changing to a host with Strong State Drives (SSD) for example Advanced Sea can have a major effect. Expanded number of processors and processor speed will likewise help. Where conceivable, attempt to isolate administrations with various capacities – like HTTP and MySQL – on numerous workers or VPS-es.
Optimize Software
Make sure you are running the latest operating system version e.g. Linux, Windows Server and the latest web server e.g. Apache or IIS, database e.g. MySQL server and PHP.
Maybe you can’t play out the assignments, and circle back to the tips, underneath. Simply request that your facilitating supplier do them for you. A decent facilitating supplier will update or move your record to a redesigned worker, to coordinate with the suggestions. If necessary you can change to an oversaw WordPress facilitating arrangement.
DNS: Don’t run a DNS on your WordPress worker. Utilize a business administration for DNS, for example, Amazon’s Highway 53 or your area enlistment center’s free contribution. Utilizing an assistance, for example, Amazon can likewise make exchanging between reinforcement workers during support or crises a lot simpler. It likewise gives a level of adaptation to internal failure. On the off chance that you have your DNS on outside workers this will decrease the heap on your essential web worker. It’s a straightforward change, yet it will offload some traffic and computer chip load.
Web Worker: Your web worker can be designed to build execution. There are a scope of procedures from web worker reserving to setting store headers to decrease load per guest. Quest for your particular web worker advancements (for instance, look for “apache improvement” for more data). Some web workers have higher speed variants you can pay for like Apache Litespeed. There are likewise various approaches to tune Apache for better dependent on your specific facilitating and site arrangement, for example Memcache.
PHP: There are different PHP gas pedals accessible which can significantly further develop execution of your PHP documents. This will apply to all PHP records, not simply your WordPress establishment. Quest for PHP improvement for more data, f.e. APC or OPcache. The W3 Complete Reserve module, portrayed underneath, offers coordinated help for Memcache, APC and other Opcode storing.
MySQL/MariaDB: MySQL or MariaDB enhancement is a dark craftsmanship in itself. A couple of straightforward changes to the inquiry store settings can dramatically affect WordPress execution on the grounds that WordPress rehashes a ton of questions on each solicitation. These days, with InnoDB being the default stockpiling motor for MySQL, you need to make a point to utilize that. InnoDB can be streamlined and adjusted, look for “mysql advancement”, “mysql innodb execution” or “innodb enhancement” or for more data and models. Quest for “mysql convert myisam to innodb” for data on the most proficient method to change over more seasoned MyISAM tables to InnoDB.
A great example of how WordPress has been optimized was presented by Iliya Polihronov at WordCamp San Francisco 2012. Iliya does, among other things, server optimization for
Don’t run a mail server on your WordPress server. For your contact form, use something like Contact Form 7 with free Mailgun.
Caching Plugins
Plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache can be easily installed and will cache your WordPress posts and pages as static files. These static files are then served to users, reducing the processing load on the server. This can improve performance several hundred times over for fairly static pages.
When combined with a system level page cache such as Varnish, this can be quite powerful. If your posts/pages have a lot of dynamic content configuring caching can be more complex.
W3 Total Cache (W3TC) is the latest generation in WordPress performance plugins, combining the research of web development authorities to provide an optimal user experience for WordPress sites. These detailed guides walk you through
W3TC is unique in its ability to optimize server side and client side performance, adding functionality otherwise unavailable natively:
- Page Caching: W3TC helps to decrease response time by creating static HTML versions of pages, allowing web servers to serve them without invoking PHP. It automatically updates the cache when comments are made or pages are edited.
- Minification: Removes unnecessary characters from HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, then respectively combines them before applying HTTP compression on the cached files.
- Database Caching: Database queries (objects) are also cached, allowing many sites to reduce the time needed to generate new pages. This is especially useful for sites that receive a lot of comments.
- Headers: W3TC manages the headers (entity tag, cache-control, expires) which control the caching of files in web browsers, reducing server load and improving the user’s perceived performance.
- Content Delivery Network (CDN): Using a CDN allows you to Offloading resources from your hosting account. W3TC moves the requests for images, CSS, JavaScript and other static files to a network of high performance servers. The server closest to the visitor is automatically used to download the files, providing the fastest downloads possible.
W3TC can be used to optimize WordPress in both single- and multi-server environments through either shared or dedicated hosting.
WP Super Cache is a static page caching plugin for WordPress. It generates HTML files that are served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts, helping you to make significant speed gains on your WordPress blog.
Using WP Super Cache allows your server to serve cached HTML pages at the same speed it serves regular graphic files. Consider WP Super Cache if your site is struggling to cope with its daily number of visitors, or if it appears on, or any other popular site.
Server-side Caching
Web worker reserving’ is more mind boggling yet is utilized in exceptionally high rush hour gridlock locales. A wide scope of choices are accessible, past the extent of this article. The least difficult arrangements start with the worker storing locally while more perplexing and included frameworks may utilize numerous reserving workers (otherwise called invert intermediary workers) “in front” of web workers where the WordPress application is really running. Adding an opcode store like Option PHP Reserve (APC) to your worker will further develop PHP’s exhibition by ordinarily.
Varnish Cache works in concert with W3 Total Cache to store pre-built pages in memory and serve them quickly without requiring execution of the Apache, PHP, WordPress stack.
As described within, using a plugin for comments such as Disqus instead of native WordPress comments can assist Varnish by not requiring your readers to login to WordPress and increasing the number of page views that Varnish can serve out of the cache.
Browser Caching
Program reserving can assist with decreasing worker load by diminishing the quantity of solicitations per page. For instance, by setting the right document headers on records that don’t change (static documents like pictures, CSS, JavaScript and so on) programs will then, at that point reserve these records on the client’s PC. This method permits the program to verify whether records have changed, rather than essentially mentioning them. The outcome is your web worker can answer a lot more 304 reactions, affirming that a document is unaltered, rather than 200 reactions, which require the record to be sent.
Look into HTTP Cache-Control (specifically max-age) and Expires headers, as well as Entity Tags for more information.