When theme is Activated it means that this theme’s style and functionality (look and behavior) will be applied on your site. You will be informed by Administration notification about successful activation of the Theme.
To Activate Theme in WordPress :
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Screens.
- Select the Appearance screen, then Themes.
- You should see here all themes from your /wp-content/themes/ directory and from here you can see details for each of them by clicking on Theme Details (rollover the Theme thumbnail).
- Live Preview option will give you preview of your site with your site’s content.
- To activate the Theme click the Activate button.
Your selection will immediately become active.
Note: If the Theme preview is blank, do NOT activate the new Theme without investigating further. Your site may not be displayed correctly, otherwise. If you do not see Theme’s thumbnail at all, your new Theme might be corrupted or broken. Take a look below installed theme’s thumbnails if there is any info about broken themes. In this case contact the Theme author for help.